Am I the only one concerned about blindly accepting MPs into the Lib Dems whose voting records hardly mark them out as liberal.
Take Phillip Lee. His voting record shows he has generally voted against laws to promote equality and human rights, has consistently voted against the UK remaining in the EU, has an appalling record on welfare and benefits, is in favour of increased university tuition fees, and doesn’t support proportional representation. On the other hand, on his opposition to No Deal he effectively lost his ability to fight the next General Election as the Tory he really is.
Take Sam Gyimah. His voting record is a no better than Mr Lee’s and shows he has generally voted against laws to promote equality and human rights, has consistently voted against the UK remaining in the EU, has an appalling record on welfare and benefits, is in favour of increased university tuition fees, and doesn’t support proportional representation. On the other hand, on his opposition to No Deal he effectively lost his ability to fight the next General Election as the Tory he really is. Only 3 months ago he was attempting to become Conservative Party Leader, and today he is a loyal Lib Dem. Really?
Take Sarah Wollaston. Her voting record is pretty much mainstream Tory with the exception of her views on leaving the EU without a deal.
Conversely, Umunna, Berger, and Angela Smith, the Labour converts, all have pretty liberal voting records, to the left of centre and not inconsistent with current Lib Dem policies.
So what is the game when it comes to the three Tory “converts”. Did they have a Road to Damascus style conversion to all things liberal and Lib Dem, or maybe they have been living a lie for many many years and didn’t have the integrity to go with their true beliefs until the Tory rug was pulled from beneath them. Or maybe it is opportunism. They were all in trouble with not being able to stand under a blue banner come the next election and have effectively sought sanctuary in the Lib Dems. It is near impossible to get elected in the UK without either a party machine or a mass movement behind you. You need door knockers and leaflet distributors. If your current doorknockers are not available, find some elsewhere. I know, cynical, and not the generosity of spirit I aim for.
If re-elected on the back of the often brilliantly effective targeting of Lib Dem resources at winnable seats, and assuming at some point the Tories come to their senses and lurch towards the centre, as they have done a few time in the past, what are the odds that Lee, Gyimah, and Wollaston will happily cross the floor again. High I’d say.
We seem to be accepting these MPs into the party for their short term embarrassment potential rather than for their commitment to liberalism. We should have said no, but if you stand as an Independent Conservative on an anti-Johnson manifesto then we won’t campaign against you.